Blogger Layouts

Thursday 1 September 2011

Tuition free week ain't so free.

I always feel like wanna update my little blog
but i have no idea what to write HAHA
Although I am having my tuition free week but ain't so free
because i worked for part time.
Gonna work on this weekend again
 Oh yaa, i seems like keep on buying things recently.
I keep on buying shoes, clothing! 
Today i just bought a pair of shoes in SUMMIT.
Hmm, i bought 3-4 shoes within two months. Kik xD

Yesterday I went to KB with my baby and my family <3
We went to bought something before we had our dinner :)
I bought some redondo ! 
I used to bought a trolley of redondo last few years.
But now I just bought 2 to 3 tins 
I tried to keep away from junk food right now Haha!
But i still bought this! Hahahaha xD

After that we went to eat sushi!
My baby's stomach gonna burst!
He was so full.
Seldom saw he ate until so full. :D
I ate a lot too.
My baby said I am pig 
Hmm, am I ? xD
I don't think so. Hahahaha! :p

 My mum did this after the dinner. :p

Last sunday i also went for dinner with my family and baby <3
I took this photo for my baby.
Leng zai o~ HAHAHA xD

My cute baby~ HAHAHA
You love me, I love you~ :)

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